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Legal agreement, terms and conditions of service use.

1. Información Legal

Mikel Arrese
Calle Farigola, 22. Santa Coloma de Gramanet. 08924.

Miguel Arrese, on behalf of Veterinary Talent, www.veterinarytalent.com (hereinafter, 'Veterinary Talent'), with phone number (+34) 623069850 and email address info@veterinarytalent.com, is the owner and proprietor of the websites indicated under the domain www.veterinarytalent.com (hereinafter 'Veterinary Talent' or 'Website/s').

Veterinary Talent reserves the right to modify, without prior notice, the design, presentation, and/or configuration of these websites, as well as some or all of the services, and add new services. Veterinary Talent considers a candidate (hereinafter, the Candidate) to be individual users seeking employment or services related to the labor market or career guidance, who use the services of Veterinary Talent and access the websites owned by Miguel Arrese.

Veterinary Talent understands as a Company (hereinafter, 'Company') those entities that use the services of Veterinary Talent and access the websites owned by Miguel Arrese for the publication of their job offers or searches for 'CVs' in the Veterinary Talent database.

For the purposes of these Legal Terms,´Users shall collectively refer to Candidates and Companies.

2. Purpose

These Legal conditions regulate the access and use by the Candidate and the Company of the services provided on the Website. The purpose of Veterinary Talent is to select, train and advise Candidates, enabling them to generate new job opportunities and connect with Companies.

In this regard, through the website https://www.veterinarytalent.com, Veterinary Talent aims to provide the Candidate with information on living and working as a veterinarian in the United Kingdom and to provide Companies with the appropriate Candidate's CV, provided that the Candidate grants us permission.

Veterinary Talent is constantly evolving and developing new tools to add value to registered users on Veterinary Talent.

The User acknowledges that it is not technically possible to achieve 100% availability of the Website. However, Veterinary Talent will strive to keep the Website as consistently available as possible. Especially for maintenance, security, or capacity reasons, as well as due to events beyond Veterinary Talent's control (such as public network communication anomalies, power outages, etc.), brief anomalies or temporary suspension of Veterinary Talent services may occur.

Veterinary Talent recommends periodically reading these Legal Conditions.

3. User's Obligations

The User agrees to make diligent use of the Website and the services accessible from it, in full compliance with the law, good practices, and these Legal Conditions. Veterinary Talent conditions the use of most of its services on the prior completion of the corresponding User registration on the Website.

All information provided by the User through the services must be truthful. In this regard, the User guarantees the authenticity of all data communicated as a result of completing the forms necessary for subscribing to the Services. Likewise, the User guarantees that they are over 16 years of age.

Likewise, it will be the User's responsibility to keep all information provided to Veterinary Talent constantly updated so that it corresponds, at all times, to the User's actual situation. In any case, the User will be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made and for any harm caused to Veterinary Talent or third parties due to the information provided.

The reproduction, distribution, transmission, adaptation, or modification, by any means and in any form, of the contents of the Website (texts, designs, graphics, information, databases, sound and/or image files, logos, etc.) and other elements provided by Veterinary Talent is prohibited, unless prior authorization is obtained from their rightful owners or when permitted by law.

Likewise, the following actions are prohibited for Users:

• Using mechanisms, software, or scripts in connection with the use of the Website.
• Blocking, overwriting, modifying, or copying, unless such actions are necessary for the proper use of the website's services. For example, copying through search engine technologies such as 'Robot/Crawler' is not necessary for the proper use of the website's services and is expressly prohibited.
• Disseminating, reproducing, or publicly communicating content from Veterinary Talent's website, Particular, or third parties without the prior authorization of the rights holder.
• Any action capable of harming the functionality of Veterinary Talent's infrastructure, especially overloading it.
• To use any of the materials and information contained on this Website for illegal purposes that are expressly prohibited in these Legal Conditions, as well as in the specific conditions that, where applicable, are established and that are contrary to the rights and interests of Veterinary Talent, its members and/or third parties. You shall be held responsible towards them in the event of violating or failing to comply with these obligations and/or in any way (including the introduction or dissemination of 'computer viruses') causing damage, disabling, overloading, deteriorating, or preventing the normal use of the materials and information contained on the Website, the information systems, or the documents, files, and all types of content stored on any computer equipment (hacking) of Veterinary Talent, its members, or any registered user, individual, or organization.
• To use or attempt to use another person's account or create a false identity on Veterinary Talent.
• To disclose or provide information protected by law due to contractual or fiduciary relationships (such as having insider information or information owned by another person and confidential under an employment relationship or confidentiality agreement).

The User who intentionally or negligently breaches any of the above obligations shall be liable for all damages and losses caused.

4. Intellectual Property and Industrial Rights

All exploitation rights are reserved.
This Website is governed by Spanish laws and is protected by national and international legislation on intellectual and industrial property. The texts, designs, images, audio, databases, logos, structure, trademarks, and other elements of this site are protected by the intellectual and industrial property rights of Veterinary Talent and/or third parties who have duly authorized their inclusion on the Website, either through the registration form or through agreements granting exploitation rights that they have stipulated with Veterinary Talent. Any reproduction, transmission, adaptation, translation, modification, public communication, or any other exploitation of all or part of the content of this Website, carried out in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, is strictly prohibited without the prior written authorization of Veterinary Talent or third-party owners. Any infringement of these rights may result in civil or criminal extrajudicial or judicial proceedings as appropriate. Veterinary Talent does not grant any license or authorization for the use of any kind regarding its intellectual and industrial property rights or any other property or right related to the Portal, its services, or its contents. The legitimacy of the intellectual or industrial property rights corresponding to the contents provided by individuals is the sole responsibility of those individuals and never of Veterinary Talent. The present Legal Conditions and the rest of the conditions of the Website shall be governed by Spanish law.

5. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These Legal Conditions and the rest of the conditions of the Website shall be governed by Spanish law. For any issues that may arise or actions taken in connection with the provision of services and content by Veterinary Talent and the interpretation, application, compliance, or breach of what is established here, Veterinary Talent and the User, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona. Specific Legal Conditions for Candidates

1.Veterinary Talent Services for Candidates
The services provided by Veterinary Talent to the Candidate include:

• Registration of the Candidate in the Veterinary Talent database through the Candidate registration process.
• Selection and advising the Candidate in order to connect with Companies, create or join discussion and debate forums.
• Selection of the privacy level of the curriculum vitae.
• Electronic and telephone communication services about Companies with which Veterinary Talent has a relationship. Veterinary Talent establishes mechanisms through which Candidates can opt out of this service free of charge: by following the instructions provided in the footer of the email.
• Other services that Veterinary Talent may create and consider of interest to Candidates, such as advice, training, professional networking, dialogue spaces, access to news, among others.

2. Liability
The Candidate guarantees to Veterinary Talent that all personal information provided is accurate and up to date, ensuring that it truthfully reflects the Candidate's current situation. It is the Candidate's responsibility and obligation to keep their data updated at all times. The Candidate is solely responsible for any inaccuracies or falsities in the information provided to Veterinary Talent and for any damages that may result from it to Veterinary Talent or third parties due to the use of the services offered by Veterinary Talent.

3. Links to third-party websites
Veterinary Talent includes links to websites owned and/or operated by third parties in its content in order to facilitate access to information available on the Internet. Veterinary Talent does not assume any responsibility arising from the existence of links between the contents of this site and content located outside of it or any other mention of external content to this site. Such links or mentions are for informational purposes only and, in no case, imply the endorsement, approval, marketing, or any relationship between Veterinary Talent and the individuals or entities that create and/or manage such content or the owners of the sites where they are located.

4. Privacy Policy and Data Protection

4.1. Veterinary Talent is aware that it is extremely important for Candidates to receive responsible treatment in the management of their personal data. Therefore, Veterinary Talent complies with all applicable legal data protection regulations and establishes mechanisms and security procedures for the management of this data.

If the Candidate decides to register with Veterinary Talent, the necessary data for the achievement of the purposes and objectives of the Website will be requested. In this regard, at the time of registration, the Candidate will be informed of the purposes for which Veterinary Talent will process their personal data, the legal basis for their processing, to whom your personal data will be communicated, and what your rights are and how to exercise them in relation to your personal data.

4.2. Mandatory or Optional Nature of the Information Provided by the Individual and Accuracy of the Data.

The fields marked as mandatory in the registration form to be completed by the Candidate are strictly necessary to address their request, and the inclusion of data in the remaining fields is voluntary. The Candidate guarantees that the personal data provided to Veterinary Talent is accurate and undertakes to communicate any changes to it. They also guarantee that all personal information provided is accurate and up to date, responding truthfully to their current situation. It is their responsibility to keep their data updated at all times and they are solely responsible for the inaccuracy or falsehood of the data provided and any harm that may result from it to Veterinary Talent or third parties due to the use of the services offered.

4.3. Privacy Selection

Once registered with Veterinary Talent, the Candidate must contact their advisor and select the level of privacy for the personal data provided to Veterinary Talent. The chosen level of privacy can be modified by the Candidate at any time by contacting their advisor.

The Candidate can choose between two levels of privacy:

• Maximum Privacy: The candidate's personal data, excluding their education and work experience, will not be provided to the company until the candidate is in a personal interview with the employer.
• Moderate Privacy: Personal data will be provided in full, with the specific consent of the candidate, to the company so that they can consider the candidate for future processes.

Specific Legal Conditions for Companies

6. Services of Veterinary Talent for Companies

• Receipt of Candidate CVs.
• Management of the selection process and advice
• Electronic communications service.

Veterinary Talent establishes mechanisms through which Companies that request it can easily and free of charge exclude themselves from electronic communications services.

7. The use of Veterinary Talent's database

To comply with the service of posting job offers on Veterinary Talent and the service for accessing Veterinary Talent's database, the Company must consider that the personal and curriculum data of Candidates will only be accessible based on the privacy level selected by the Candidate themselves (see information on privacy control in section 5.3 of the Candidates' Privacy Policy). Likewise, the Company may only process the personal data to which it has access in accordance with the conditions provided in the Terms and Conditions of use of Veterinary Talent.

8. Liability

The Company guarantees Veterinary Talent that all information and details of the job offer comply with current legislation, adhere to the guidelines set forth in the applicable collective agreement, and do not contravene labor regulations. Furthermore, the Company guarantees Veterinary Talent that all personal and business information provided is accurate and up-to-date, reflecting the current situation of the Company. The Company is responsible for maintaining all information related to it up to date at all times, and it is solely responsible for any inaccuracies or falsehoods in the data provided to Veterinary Talent and for any harm that may result from the use of the services offered by Veterinary Talent to the Company or third parties.