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Our use of cookies and similar technologies

Our services use cookies and other similar technologies, such as pixels or local storage, to provide you with a better, faster, and more secure experience. Here are some of the ways in which our services (including our set of websites, SMS, API, email notifications, apps, buttons, tools, and ads) use these technologies: to log you into Veterinary Talent, save your preferences, personalize the content you see, protect you from spam and abuse, and show you ads that are more relevant to you. Below, we'll explain how Veterinary Talent, our partners, and other third-party companies use these technologies, your privacy settings, and the other options available to you.

What are cookies, pixels, and local storage?

Cookies are small files that websites place on your computer when you browse the web. Like many other websites, Veterinary Talent and the rest of our services use cookies to understand how people use our services and to help them work better.

A pixel is a small piece of code inserted into a web page or an email notification. Like many other services, we use pixels to determine if you have interacted with certain web content or email content. This helps us measure and improve our services and personalize your experience.

Local storage is an industry-standard technology that allows a website or an application to store information locally on your computer or mobile device. We use local storage to personalize what we show you based on your previous interactions with our services.

Main Cookies We Use

Google Analytics: Statistics Provider at Veterinary Talent, with Analytics we measure user behavior in order to make decisions based on general behavior and optimize Veterinary Talent.
Youtube: We use Google's player to display certain videos in the posts, and they may use cookies in their information collection.
Jquery: It is used to add dynamism and speed to the website.
Own cookies: We use them in certain parts of the website to save your preferences on your device.

The information obtained through these cookies, related to the user's device, may be combined with their personal data only if you are registered on this website.

You can disable cookies in your browser settings, for example:

Chrome, from http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=es&answer=95647
Explorer, from http://windows.microsoft.com/es-es/windows7/how-to-manage-cookies-in-internet-explorer-9
Firefox, from http://support.mozilla.org/es/kb/habilitar-y-deshabilitar-cookies-que-los-sitios-we
Safari, from http://support.apple.com/kb/ph5042

Or you can revoke cookie consent.

Storage on your computer (browser)

These services may generate cookies from third-party companies, which are also stored on your browsing device.

Why do our services use these technologies?

Our services use these technologies to deliver, measure, and improve our services in various ways. Typically, these uses fall into one of the following categories:

Authentication and security:

To protect your security.
To help us detect and combat spam, abuse, and other activities that violate Veterinary Talent's rules.


To remember information about your browser and preferences.
For example, cookies help us remember your preferred language or the country you're in. This way, we can provide you with Veterinary Talent content in your preferred language without having to ask you each time you visit us.

Statistics and Research:

To help us improve and understand how people use our services.
For example, cookies help us test different versions of our services to see which features or specific content users prefer. We can also optimize and improve your experience on Veterinary Talent by using cookies to understand how you interact with our services, such as analyzing when and how often you use them and which links you click on. We use Google Analytics to facilitate this process. We may also use cookies to count the number of users who viewed certain activities or posts.
The main cookie related to statistics is Google Analytics.